Valentin Deschaintre
Valentin Deschaintre
Hello, thanks for your interest. To the best of my understanding of your question here are my answers: 1. This subdivision is used for the training data, it should not...
diffuse render and specular render will contain the renderings done for the loss computation, but the visualization of the paper where generated using Mitsuba.
Hi, I can't see your comment on github somehow, but here is the intuition: The renderings are never compared with the input image. The input image (a synthetic rendering ground...
Hi, thanks for opening this issue! For those who would read this without context, we have exchanged in the last few days over this and here is the results of...
Hello, What is the complete command line output when you try to run the method? What is the result if you add print(input_dir) line 360 (in the load_examples function)? Out...
Ah! what is the course/university (this is simply out of curiosity)? For the problem it seems to come from os.path.exists which doesn't manage to check existence on the drive or...
And if you try to add to the code before the if statement: print(input_dir is None) print(not os.path.exists(input_dir)) Which one comes back as True? Yes you can contact me, I...
Inputs is the input image (log corrected to visualize what the network received) and targets are the ground truth associated with the input image (this is only useful in test...
Hello, Thanks for your message, it looks like it's a problem with finding the image you are trying to run. I don't think the current version of this code supports...
Hi, The error you are getting is the data loader trying to split the input file you provide in 9 (4 targets + 5 inputs I guess), but it seems...