Ravindra Vairagi
Ravindra Vairagi
Sorry, I am new to the NodeJS and don't have the proper idea to build the NodeJS API. My question is that how can we build this "bulletproof-nodejs"? I went...
When I click on the Sign-In link then it will redirect to an error page and show the below error- **Sorry, there was an error: invalid_request Invalid redirect_uri** RedirectUris "https://www-local.globomantics.com:44395/signin-oidc"...
Getting error in import of the @import '~material-design-icons-iconfont/src/material-design-icons';
Getting error in import of the @import '~material-design-icons-iconfont/src/material-design-icons'; in angular 16. This import was working in angular 13 but after migration from angular 13 to v16 import the icons giving...