@petermr , - I am trying to use ami search for the customised dictionary funder which is committed at : - I tested it on a corpus of 10...
 getpapers error: 'no output directory given'
@richardofsussex , is it that the files in your CProject directory are only full-text PDFs?
Trying to use ami to test the dictionary funders, the commands given: `ami -p ami_test_6 search --dictionary funders` After running the Command, ``` Generic values (AMISearchTool) ================================ -v to see...
This is all it displayed, do not contain the element ``` ami_test_6 $(function() { $("#results").dataTable(); }) articles bibliography ```
Well, I got this in my directory ami_test_6 ``` C:\Users\me>tree ami_test_6 Folder PATH listing for volume OS Volume serial number is D651-7DC0 C:\USERS\me\AMI_TEST_6 ├───PMC6318360 │ └───results │ └───search │ └───funders...
Hi @remkop , thank you very much! Well, I got this (on using the UNIX Tree tool) and yes it is shown differently from the one in Windows. ``` C:\Users\me>tree...