@johnou I've added library using POM, now as far as I know dependencies added using maven are always accessible by JVM. If this is not the case can you just...
@johnou No, I'm not running application with JVM security manager.
@johnou Did you find any solution for the issue?
@johnou How do I do that. I'm pretty new to java
@soulbird I didn't get what I do right now to get it working. Any workaround you think can give this flow?
@tzssangglass There are no examples as this a custom requirement where we do not want to expose the JSON sent from the client, rather modify them depending on some rules...
The response received from upstream needs to be transformed that is why it needs to be intercepted within APISIX itself
@tzssangglass Do we need to include the resty-http within the function or is it already available? Is there any example available for the implementation?
I tried implementing ```JSON "serverless-pre-function": { "disable": false, "functions": [ "return function(conf, ctx) httpc:request_uri(\"http://host.docker.internal:9191/health\"); end" ], "phase": "before_proxy" } ``` and I got the below error in the error console:...