Same on my side just like @wnmolit.
Hi @emregudur, My react dom version is 17.0.2 already. Still the same error. Below is my code: ` import { Page } from '../../elements/page/page.element'; import { MessageList } from 'react-chat-elements';...
Looks like the culprit is packge.json in react-chat-elements: "react-icons": "^2.2.5", react-icons v2.2.5 requires react v 16.x. react-icons requires an update to latest version i.e. 4.3.1 any version above 2.2.5 which...
Ok guys, I have some good news, the issue is with the module when installed via npm, if I use yarn, I am able to install and run it, more...
@NathanC You should try yarn instead of npm. Please refer to the steps above, in my previous comment.