Results 90 issues of VZ

While both `\w*` and `\B*` work, using `ctre::search` fails to compile with the last error being ``` ctre.hpp:4355:9: error: array subscript value ‘3’ is outside the bounds of array type...

There is no mention anywhere that "." behaves as in "dotall" mode in PCRE, i.e. matches _everything_, including new line and I'm not sure if this is intentional, but this...

This can be replaced by `(.|\n)`, but normally this should work too, quoting from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/regex/ecmascript CharacterClass :: [ [ lookahead ∉ {^}] ClassRanges ] [ ^ ClassRanges ] ClassRanges ::...

Thanks for the impressive library, but trying to migrate my existing code using Boost.Regex to it, I ran into the following problem: there currently doesn't seem to be any equivalent...

feature request

There is support for compiling XRC files in `src/bkl/plugins/wxwidgets.py` but I have a few problems with it in practice: 1. It hard codes `wxrc` while I'd rather use `$(WXRC)` with...

Although nobody would arguably duplicate the dependencies on purpose, it was easy to do this unintentionally by inheriting a dependency from a base template and also adding it explicitly --...

This is probably the most important show-stopper for using bakefile for new projects right now, so I'd be willing to try to do it. @vslavik Would you have any hints...

We should generate the makefile with "silent" rules support, i.e. behaving like Linux kernel or git makefiles do by default and printing just the command and the file it operates...


I'm not happy with this, importing both `warning` and `WARN` is redundant, but I don't know how to avoid it. I'm also not sure if there is no some better...

The best (which is not much but better than nothing) Xcode file format documentation is in the comment at the beginning of http://code.google.com/p/gyp/source/browse/trunk/pylib/gyp/xcodeproj_file.py -- and we could probably also reuse...