Dani Lazarov

Results 4 issues of Dani Lazarov

This adds logout button action that clears the token and redirects to main screen (forcing navbar to update) Is it ok or I should add logoutbutton `isHidden` observer

We can add some subtle animations when show the photos or when scroll the list/collectionview https://uimovement.com/ui/1962/curated-playlists/ https://uimovement.com/ui/836/craiglist-mobile-animation/ https://uimovement.com/ui/5711/playlist-interaction/ Maybe use this lib https://github.com/willowtreeapps/spruce-ios?ref=ioscookies.com What do you think about this profile...

@jdisho this generates protocol viewmodels in `Papr/Autogenerated` folder. To generate class just have to implements `AutoModel`, and it will generate `ModelType`, `ModelInput`, `ModelOutput` protocols for it (in that folder) I...

Hi what do you think about Sourcery (https://github.com/krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery) It generates generates some of the duplicate/boilerplate code for you I think that model protocols for every model have identical structure and...

help wanted