Vincenzo Addati
Vincenzo Addati
Hi, is there any news about the use of pipe with Spleeter?
Sure! This is a repro Clicking on the button "Start Recording" makes the service start. In the IosRecorderService there is a method named RecognizeAudioFromMicrophoneInBackground. In that method there is...
Hi, is there any news about this issue?
I'll try to explain my whole situation. I'm developing a cross-platform app that needs to run on both Windows and Mac with both x64 and ARM cpu architecture support, with...
At the moment I can't try with Rosetta because I don't have a M1 Mac, I received the feedback from a client that has one. By the way, I'll try...
All clear, thanks. I'll let you know if I get any news
Sure, I used this one I'm aware of that issue, indeed I can't get any Match in the simulator, by the way the whole system works and returns a...
I tried your suggestion and indeed now works in the simulator! Obviously it does not get any match, by the way I can test the implementation
No, I'm using a 2019 Intel Macbook Pro
Sorry for the late response but it has been some busy days. Here is a repro I left a TODO where the crash happens. The model is trained on...