I'm defining a `DelegatingCacheStrategy`, and I'm using a simple config to define which endpoint should be cached: ```php $cache_config = [ 'get' => [ 'agreements' ], ]; $cache = new...
Hi, I'm trying to add a span around each number to be able to format each number differently. ` formatter: function (value, options) { var value = value.toFixed(options.decimals); return value.replace...
Is there a way to add an item to `Expr_Array`? I have an existing file with the following ast and would need an item to the `modules` array: ``` array(...
Při generování XML souboru se používá `WP_CONTENT_DIR`, který je ale v multisite stejný pro všechny blogy. Měla by se používat funkce `wp_upload_dir()`. Udělal bych pull request, ale nevím, jak zajistit...
Is there any way to support special characters? I tried with template ``` $stream = stream_socket_client('tcp://', $errorNumber, $errorString); $printer = new Printer(new Template(3, $stream)); $printer->addCommand(new Command\ObjectCommand('address', 'ěščřžýáíééĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÍÉ')); $printer->printLabel(); ``` The...
Hi, kinf of lost, could you please give me an example how to use your class to retrieve a list of projects? Thanks
Add filter for API data to make it possible to adjust data before sending to API
### Description I'm using Amazon S3 as a storage for my videos, and because the medias are not public, I need to presign the URLs to get access to the...