Try to run _Mixed_ configuration to enable `CHK_GL` macro. I believe the error is happening on loading some of s3c compressed textures
Did you try to re-save it in DXT5 again? If the texture is broken it's probably better to ignore this error while texture loading. Otherwise, I bet you have an...
What you've done is just re-invention of [cxxopts](https://github.com/jarro2783/cxxopts) The initial code has an issue (e.g. `MODEL::build()`) where an option gets checked every function call. In this case, we'd better cache...
Brief investigation shows that there is some mess with shadowmap projection in gloss modification pass (takes place in `rain_patch_normal.ps`). Can be wrong `m_shadow` or `m_sunmask` matrices calculations. Proof pic: ...
- we already have SSA checks which should work better than distance culling. If not -- need to tweak SSA thresholds - the code is inefficient and full of hardcoded...
Okay, I'm glad you've asked about alternatives. But first, to be clear: - SSA(= screen space area) checks work in the same way but more reliable than distance culling. The...
Thank you for rising this. The fix addresses an important issue, however I don't think it will be enough to solve it. Assuming that the textures are indeed in non-linear...
Hope [this](https://github.com/vTurbine/xrRenderPC_VK) will help you for quick start with the task. For me it was a bad idea to abstract from vanilla renderer as much as possible, so I simply...