Ralf Wondratschek

Results 18 issues of Ralf Wondratschek

I think Java prefers ```java if (condition1 && condition 2 || condition3) { // do something } ``` This style would make sense to me in Kotlin as well, but...


Is it possible to install Tokei with `yum`? Our CI machines only can use `yum` and not `dnf`.

help wanted

The title might be a little off. We recently converted the Point of Sale Android codebase at Square from AssertJ to Truth and used Kotlin for our custom Subjects. I...


Android mostly deals with `CharSequence` instead of `String`. Many of the `StringSubject` checks rely on the API of `CharSequence` and not `String`. Is there a reason that no subject for...


I'm referring to https://youtu.be/MyljSWm0Y_k?t=1282 I turned it on this way ```groovy tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).all { kotlinOptions { // progressive helps detecting unstable Kotlin code earlier, see https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2018/06/kotlin-1-2-50-is-out/ freeCompilerArgs = ["-Xjsr305=strict", "-progressive", "-XXLanguage:+NewInference",...


The latest version for Compose is `1.1.0-rc01` and supports Kotlin 1.6.0. Google released a specific compiler plugin version `1.1.0-rc02` to support Kotlin 1.6.10. The Workflow repository is using the two...

Do not merge this before Anvil dropped support for Kotlin 1.7. This is a proof of concept.

Kotlin 1.6 will deprecate the old compiler backend. The IR compiler backend for JVM/Android projects became the default with Kotlin 1.5. At this point there should be no reason why...


**Keeper version:** `main` Imagine a library module `:main` defining an Android resource. Library `:android-test-only` references the resource in Java / Kotlin code. The `:app` module depends on `:main` in the...


Migrate from the deprecated `ComponentRegistrar` to `CompilerPluginRegistrar` once [KT-55300](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-55300) is resolved. We require ordering for the `AnalysisHandlerExtension`.
