Vladimir Buresh
Vladimir Buresh
[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. ... 2. ... **Atom**: 1.30.0 x64 **Electron**: 2.0.5 **OS**: Debian GNU/Linux **Thrown From**: [atomic-chrome](https://github.com/tuvistavie/atomic-chrome-atom) package 0.3.3 ### Stack Trace Uncaught Error: not opened ``` At...
Hi Mathieu! Up html5.cson to bs4 v4.1.3
Bootstrap 4 has finally arrived! How about updating your very useful package?
URL - in settings, choice - in browser
[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. Linter Ui Default, Settings, Panel Heigth I typed 500... **Atom**: 1.18.0 x64 **Electron**: 1.3.15 **OS**: Debian GNU/Linux **Thrown From**: [linter-ui-default](https://github.com/steelbrain/linter-ui-default) package 1.6.2 ### Stack Trace...