Dear Jonathan, Here is some difficulties running ngp on FreeBSD (13-STABLE). It compiles successfuly but when trying to run with actual command line parameters like: ``` ngp PATTERN ``` Moving...
Dear Cyril, there is currently maintained obfuscated OpenSSH patches: https://zinglau.com/projects/ObfuscatedOpenSSHPatches.html https://github.com/zinglau/obfuscated-openssh-patches/ Аny chance of implementing this? Also some outdated PuTTY forks for reference: http://www.mrhinkydink.com/potty.htm https://github.com/athurg/potty Thank You.
Hello Gentlemen. Please advice is it possible and how to completely disable creation and writing `service.wrapper.log` file? Thank You.
Dear developers, Is there plans for new release that will support modern OpensSSL and Boost? The versions used are already very outdated, which almost completely prevents building on new systems...
Dear developers, is 'ssd -D ' support transparent SOCKS proxy with freebsd 'ipfw fwd' and linux 'iptables -j REDIRECT / -A FORWARD' i.e. wrap and unwrap redirected by firewall connections...
Hello Soren. Thanks for your work. Please point to ways on subject. It looks like those are being hardcoded at build time (when performing npx install dependencies, xterm.js, creating gotty.js)...