Konstantin Krasser

Results 6 comments of Konstantin Krasser

> > Did you pass `use_treesitter = true?` > > Can you say more about that? How and Where to add this config or pass this para? ` return {...

Had the same problem, had to config the Treesitter, ``` -- Userd For Syntax Highlighting -- https://linovox.com/nvim-treesitter-syntax-highlighting-in-neovim/ local M = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", event = { "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" }, build =...

**Figured It Out, Here is what I did, what solved it for me!** Check if the plugin did load. > `LuaSnipListAvailable` Check if it manually expands > `:lua require'luasnip'.expand()` >...

``` "iurimateus/luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim", -- vimtex isn't required if using treesitter branch = "fix/lazy-loading", dependencies = { "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", "lervag/vimtex" }, ft = {"tex", "markdown" }, config = function() require'luasnip-latex-snippets'.setup({ use_treesitter = true...

Exact same setup works for me.

> ### Info > * Operating System: Mac OS > * `nvim --version`: 0.9.4 > * Node package manager: v21.5.0 > * ` --version`: 10.2.4 > * `live-server --version`: live-server...