
Results 16 issues of uzman

hi, when the menu is open other uibarbuttons are active. i think it must close the menu first. native swipeback gesture is active too.

Hi, is it possible to change menu and back arrow? my actionbar background color is dark. it is impossible to see icons. thanks...

Hi, Is it possible to loop stackviewlayout?

help wanted

Hi this is a great library. Is it possible to show cells bottom-side in stackview? I don't want to change swipe direction. (left-right) But i want to display invisible cells...

help wanted

Hi, how can I give padding (horizontal) between view controllers?

Thanks for the great control. If it is possible to put tabItems under UINavigationBar it would be great.


hi, in vertical mode, it can not display the multi page. ultraViewPager.setScrollMode(UltraViewPager.ScrollMode.VERTICAL); adapter = new UltraPagerAdapter(true); ultraViewPager.setAdapter(adapter); ultraViewPager.setMultiScreen(0.6f); ultraViewPager.setItemRatio(1.0f);


hi, if the statusbarstyle is set to Default, and hit the Flip as Child button, then rotate the device, it doesn't centered in landscape mode. it misses finding the right...

Hi, there is a problem. - i scroll down, - open a detail view controller - then move back and scrollview always moves to top. i tried it on iOS...

hi, i know that your are working for iOS7 support. when do u deal with rotation, consider that there is a bug if you use IDM with UITabBarController. here is...