rpg_dvs_ros copied to clipboard
dvs_tracking has died
Hi, I am using ros melodic on ubuntu 18.04, opencv 3.2.0, i succeded in running the evo_flyingroom.bag without crashes, My next step was to use DAVIS-346 and run the algorithm in live mode. i have calibrated the camera by using this ros node (rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 8x5 --square 0.108 image:=/dvs/image camera:=/dvs --no-service-check)
When i run the live.launch and also i run the davis_ros_driver, the algorithm works correctly for sometimes 20-50 seconds and the it crashes with this error :
REQUIRED process [dvs_tracking-6] has died! process has died [pid 67877, exit code -8, cmd /home/ghani/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dvs_tracking/dvs_tracking_ros events:=/dvs/events remote_key:=/evo/remote_key pointcloud:=dvs_mapping/pointcloud __name:=dvs_tracking __log:=/home/ghani/.ros/log/c655846c-b9e5-11ed-b072-000c29d348d7/dvs_tracking-6.log]. log file: /home/ghani/.ros/log/c655846c-b9e5-11ed-b072-000c29d348d7/dvs_tracking-6*.log Initiating shutdown!
Any suggestions!