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Problems running the test_vec_env.py
When trying to run this command:
cd $FLIGHTMARE_PATH/flightrl/examples && python test_vec_env.py
From: https://github.com/uzh-rpg/flightmare/blob/ddc_challenge/README.md
I get these error:
(flightmare) root@594cca055373:~/challenge/flightmare/flightrl/examples# python test_vec_env.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_vec_env.py", line 11, in
Installed torch to fix it:
pip install torch
Then got this error:
flightmare) root@594cca055373:~/challenge/flightmare/flightrl/examples# python3 test_vec_env.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_vec_env.py", line 13, in
Install stable_baselines3 to fix it:
pip install stable_baselines3
Then the script worked and connected to the simulator.
The simulator goes in some kind of minimized mode once the Python script is connected, take a look at that issue.
The simulator window becomes very small after the script is connected:
I updated the requirements for flightgym package to include stable-baselines3, installing stable baselines should install also pytorch as a requirement. For the simulator window we'll look into that but for the moment you can manually increase the window size by dragging the window corner.