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Lidar Data for Semantic Segmentation Test Set?
Dear authors,
I would like to express my gratitude for your work. I have been using the lidar data downloaded from your source for my experiments. However, I have encountered an issue where the timestamps of the lidar data and the semantic labels do not correspond to each other. I wanted to inquire whether the lidar data includes point cloud data corresponding to the semantic segmentation test set.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Hi @liupeng3425
Is this specific to LIDAR data? The timestamps between images and semantic labels are as expected?
Hi @magehrig
Thanks for your prompt reply! Yes, the timestamps of images and semantic labels are matched.
and zurich_city_15_a/zurich_city_15_a_semantic_timestamps.txt
However, I failed to find the corresponding lidar data by timestamps when iter over the lidar data. My code is like below:
from rosbags.highlevel import AnyReader
from pathlib import Path
# get the timestamps of test data
path = 'test/zurich_city_15_a/zurich_city_15_a_semantic_timestamps.txt'
timestamp_data = set()
with open(path, "r") as f:
data = f.read().splitlines()
for line in data:
# read lidar data from bag file
lidar_path = 'lidar_imu/data/zurich_city_15/lidar_imu.bag'
with AnyReader([Path(lidar_path)]) as lidar_data:
conn = lidar_data.connections
conn = [i for i in conn if i.topic == '/velodyne_points']
for connection, timestamp, rawdata in lidar_data.messages(connections=conn):
if timestamp/1000 in timestamp_data: # !!can't find expected lidar data
msg = lidar_data.deserialize(rawdata, connection.msgtype)
# process lidar data
It is unlikely that there is an exact match. Are you able to retrieve a lidar pointcloud close to these timestamps?