Muhammad Uzair
Muhammad Uzair
For few days I was lost in documentation, in each paragraph there are 3,4 links which leads more and more pages, and soon you'll forget why you were here LOL...
same problem, puppeteer can't type or assign value to `input type='date'` fields. tried `await page.type("[name='j_idt31:an_ugly_form_input']", "17-02-2019");` I am using `waitForNavigation` & `waitForSelector` before typing, so page is loaded well. It...
@darakeon actually changing focus on `date field` then typing works for me, I realize there is `readonly` attribute I had to remove as well. Now the problem is `page.type` is...
same problem, providing caseSensitive: true as option to express.Router has no effect.
Can't believe this issue is not fixed yet, it's been 2.5 years but they haven't updated the docs to solve the problem. also the examples page for passport-local doesn't exist...
> @uzair004 it's open-source, so I understand your PR is welcome There is already a PR to solve the problem but it's not merged yet, it's been more then 2...
please accept this pull request, very useful and will save people tons of hours.
> No, that's not currently possible. We're limited here by how Node.js worker threads are loaded and those do not currently support initialization by passing a function. Yes that's true,...
2Captcha doesn't provide Nodejs SDK. i have tried using different package which uses 2captcha internally. 2Captcha has terrible accuracy. Not even a single letter was guessed right.
@berstend created [Pull request]( and added 2 examples, that's all I came across. I will add more in the future if learned some.