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Hi, Is there a way to fit a model where the same theta has multiple origins? As far as I know It is posible to have two different theta (two...
I tried to install it using devtools but was not able to get it. Loading required package: bayou Warning message: In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return =...
I hope I can follow the pipeline of the Current Biology paper "Tempo and Pattern of Avian Brain Size Evolution" to analyze my data, but after reading the and...
Offending line: `test.dists
Hi! I am using bayou for my dataset, and thanks for providing such a nice tutorial. Till the following step everything is running well. mcmcOU
Hi, I have the following error when using plotSimmap.mcmc(), plotBranchHeatMap() and phenogram.density(). This is my code: plotSimmap.mcmc(chainOU, burnin = 0.3, lwd = 2, edge.type = "theta", pal = rainbow, pp.cutoff...
Currently doesn't give an informative error message.
I could pull, fix, merge, etc., but it's two lines of code: Add if(parallel){ doParallel::registerDoParallel() } to the start of the steppingstone function. Should re-enable parallelization, which otherwise doesn't work...
You mentioned that there's an internal function to do that, but it will spit out a bunch of stuff. Is there an easy way to extract just the trait value...
Hi @uyedaj , just to remind you to see if there's a simple way to extract the posterior distribution of the regression line from the output object to calculate the...