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After read the bayou/, i still don't know how to set the parameters?
I hope I can follow the pipeline of the Current Biology paper "Tempo and Pattern of Avian Brain Size Evolution" to analyze my data, but after reading the and methods in the paper, I still don't know how to set the parameters. The methods in paper are as follows, "We implemented this approach by combining 10 parallel chains of 2 million iterations each with a burn-in proportion of 0.3. We allowed only one shift per branch and the total number of shifts was constrained by means of a conditional Poisson prior with a mean equal to 2.5% of the total number of branches in the tree and a maximum number of shifts equal to 5%. Starting points for MCMC chains were set by randomly drawing a number of shifts from the prior distribution and assigning these shifts to branches randomly drawn from the phylogeny with a probability proportional to the size of the clade descended from that branch. The MCMC was initialized without any birth-death proposals for the first 10,000 generations to improve the fit of the model."
I don't know how to run "combining 10 parallel chains of 2 million iterations with a burin-in proportion of 0.3", and don't know how to set the parameters "We allowed only one shift per branch", also don't how to run "The MCMC was initialized without any birth-death proposals for the first 10,000 generations to improve the fit of the model." Could you me?