Sorry for the laate reply. I was longer term ill. Call the header and footer by explicit specifing the file: resource. {include file="file:header.html"} {block name="content"} classic content {/block} {include file="file:footer.html"}
Okay Do not call $SMARTY->setDefaultResourceType('extendsall'); Use the extendsall: resource only when calling $smarty->display(); $smarty->display('extendsall:content.html'); I think this should be the solution
What you see is correct. The extendsall resource is a frame which holds all individual file resources for the templates with same name out of different folders. If you do...
addTemplateDir() will append the directories to whatever the template_dir setting was before (default value)? So 'directory_1' is not the first folder searched. use setTemplateDir() to look for sure just in...
The extendsall resource is a special form of template inheritance where templates with same name create parent child relation ships. the last template loaded will be the parent template. Like...
I need to know how your the template content looks like. And what you want to do. I remember from the older discussions that you used some very special solutions...
So what about ``` php {trans url=$url|urlencode what=$what|htmlencode where=$where|htmlencode}I pushed %what on %where!{/trans} ``` It could be implemented as standard block plugin and the index names of the $params array...
@cdp1337 Your modification does break Smarty's error handling and is causing the continuous integration test on Travis CI to fail.