Having a similar debug mode for QQuickItems like what you get with setting the "overdraw" mode for scene graph nodes would be very helpful
Qt/Quick puts a transform and a couple of optional nodes ( clip/opacity .. ) on top of the paint node, that can be manipulated by QQuickItem::updatePaintNode(). This is an quite...
Interpolating between fonts has not been implemented for skin hint animators
The default size of a SVG provides an aspect ratio, but is usually not very helpful for calculating a good sizeHint. Instead its width or height is often related to...
QQuickControl (QC2) has the concept of only showing the focus indicator, when the focusReason was related to key events. Makes sense as the user doesn't want to see the indicator,...
Often an application has identical geometries for different box nodes - f.e the panel of buttons. It might be useful to have a cache for those geometries, so that they...
When interpolating QskSkinTransition needs to identify all controls, that are affected from a hint to call polish/update. At the moment all hints, that get resolved by falling back on the...
When a QQuickItem is removed from the scene ( window ) nobody takes care of its scene graph nodes and they usually end up as memory leaks. A workaround (...
Changing the images according to status changes should be done along an easing curve
Using QPainter for creating textures is currently possible by drawing with the OpenGL paint engine to a FBO or by using the Raster paint engine ( better quality ). But...