Viet Nguyen

Results 19 comments of Viet Nguyen

Hi, The pretrained-weight for the hand detection is already provided in ./src

pls provide more information

you didnt install opencv

The pretrained model provided by tensorflow, which I put at src/pretrained_model.pb. It could be used to detect hand(s), with only 2 gestures as you mentioned

Hi, Thanks for your interest. Have you changed anything on my code? I could still run without any problem

it doesnt matter. I use pretrained model provided by tensorflow

Could you give me more information on which kind of error you met ?

Hi, cv2 is open cv, which you could install by pip or anaconda

Hi, your question is a good idea. I have never thought about it. I will consider :)

I trained on GPU. Let check your gpu configuration. My code will automatically detect if gpu is available and if yes, the model will be trained on gpu