سیدمحمود میرخلیلی

Results 5 comments of سیدمحمود میرخلیلی

please fix this pleaaaaaaaase

such humans work with a square wheel and the other one says common to use this circle wheel and they say ... https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQH3JLVFSpPm8A/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1520204567520?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=bDPQfi4woSijSRMhvg79nq9Ug7tbU68liTdybX-Krk4 it is so important for fast improvement...

in my experience when your library writes with typesafe language - you don't need to remember what the input and output functions and class - you don't need to remember...

excuse me the 4 must replace with this Type checking - TypeScript catches errors at compile-time, making it easier to debug and maintain code.

please read more about it in this link https://serokell.io/blog/why-typescript