Utkarsh Sengar
Utkarsh Sengar
Hey, I actually can't because to toggle DND, I'm using a private API. You think Apple will accept it?
Just dropping in a note that I vote for this feature In the team time, any suggested workarounds?
@zarcon didn't work for me, which line did you add it in?
Any update on this? This doesn't work anymore.
Do you ever see this log.INFO statement `Inserting {} keys in ES`? If not then I think there is a bug here: https://github.com/eBay/cassandra-river/blob/master/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/river/cassandra/CassandraRiver.java#L166 It's not calling saveToEs with the bulk...
Can you add these two lines before the `if` check on line 165 in the class CassandraRiver: ``` logger.info("Current bulk size: {}", bulk.numberOfActions()); logger.info("Total batch size set: {}", this.batchSize); ```...
You just need `mvn clean package` and then copy over the jar. Its in the README.md: ``` Build: mvn clean package Install: ./bin/plugin -url file:elasticsearch-river-cassandra/target/releases/elasticsearch-river-cassandra-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip -install river-cassandra ```
yes, that is the expected behavior. There looks an issue with the data or the river where your `bulk` object is not being constructed. Can you add the same print...
So the problem is some where in this line: `bulk.add(indexRequest(this.indexName).type(this.typeName).id(id).source(this.keys.rowColumnMap.get(key)));` is the problem. This line is not really adding documents to the ES indexer. I don't have much time right...
The current version doesn't support tweaking the data before pushing to ES. But you can implement that here: https://github.com/eBay/cassandra-river/blob/master/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/river/cassandra/CassandraRiver.java#L116 You will need to change `cassandraData` accordingly or another way is...