我的测试命令是这样,python -m ./model/model_best.pth.tar -i ./Challenge4/ch4_test_images -o ./output 为啥显示TypeError: invalid file: PosixPath('./model/model_best.pth.tar')
Hello, ABCNet is a meaningful work, can you give the codes about how to use the lexicon to obtain the results of text spotting? Thank you.
请问你们能训练aster吗,我用python3 train.py训练的时候,初始化一下了15行代码,到从我下载的预训练模型中恢复数据的那一步的时候就卡住了,ctrl+c也关不掉了。如下所示, INFO:tensorflow:Scale of 0 disables regularizer. INFO:tensorflow:Scale of 0 disables regularizer. INFO:tensorflow:Scale of 0 disables regularizer. INFO:tensorflow:Scale of 0 disables regularizer. INFO:root:Number of classes is 94 INFO:root:UNK label is...
Hello, this is a meaningful work, can you give the codes about how to use the lexicon to obtain the results of text spotting? Thank you. It seems that the...
我的端到端识别结果中每个txt文件的每一行类似于:10,10,100,10,100,50,10,50, happy 分别对应坐标和识别的单词。请问这样的结果怎么使用S,W,G的lexicon? Each line of every txt file in my end-to-end recognition result is similar to: 10,10,100,10,100,50,10,50, happy Correspond to coordinates and recognized words respectively. How do I use...
It seems that the recognition result for long words is not good, and there are problems similar to attention drift. For example, 'rettungsweg' is recognized as 'retuungsweg'. How to solve...
Hello, what is the meaning of GenericVocabulary_new.txt and GenericVocabulary_pair_list.txt? I can only find ch4_GenericVocabulary.txt in ICDAR website. What is the different betwenn them? lexicon_path = '../../lexicons/ic15/GenericVocabulary_new.txt' lexicon_fid=open(lexicon_path, 'r') pair_list =...
Thanks to the author for sharing the code, I would like to ask you, for example, if I add 50 Chinese characters, what should I modify?