Hongyu Wang
Hongyu Wang
I noticed that currently Jarvis only support text-DaVinci and gpt-4. Do you have any plan to support gpt-3.5-turbo in the near future? Cause it's more cheaper compared with current LLMs....
Thanks for your wonderful work. I am very excited about your idea. May I ask the computation budget used to train the largest Imagebind model? How many GPU hour do...
**Describe the Bug** I try to install apex following ***pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./***. However, it reports ***subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[‘ninja‘, ‘-v‘]‘ returned non-zero exit status 1***. I...
Thanks for your wonderful work. I try to pre-train instrcutBLIP from scratch on 4x4 A100. However, the GPU memory is slowly increasing as the training progresses, which leads to OUT-OF-MEMORY...
Thanks for your wonderful work! I would like to download videos of VidChapters. Could you provide some cmd tools to quickly download these videos? And how much storage do you...
Thanks for your work! I try to use video2dataset to download videos of VidChapter, a subset of YT-Temporal-1B, which contains 800k videos from YouTube. However, it reports too many request...
Thanks for your wonderful work. I try to use triton for mpt-1b-redpajama-200b. I use the default version of flash attention. However, it doesnot work. Do you meet the similar issues?...