Hi, Thanks for the reply! Is there any way that I can send/receive multiple COAP messages(concurrency) at a time using this library? Thanks and Regards, Usman
Hi, I am still able to reproduce this issue. Do you want me to share my source code for this? If Yes could you please let me know where I...
Hi @jfversluis , Here is the generic repo for the There are blank urls, test bundle and domains because of privacy. I hope the source code can give you...
Same issue facing since last month! pool: vmImage: 'macos-12' - task: Xcode@5 inputs: actions: 'build' scheme: sdk: 'iphoneos' configuration: $(environment) xcWorkspacePath: xcodeVersion: 'default' packageApp: true signingOption: manual signingIdentity: '$(APPLE_CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_IDENTITY)' provisioningProfileUuid:...
Is someone looking into it?