Kapil Singaria
Kapil Singaria
Thanks for testing. This result is amusing though! I trimmed the white space from the bottom, cleaned the image but still the same output. Can you send me the 'white...
  Sorry, but the image you provided has the same issues. Above are the segmented images in the temp folder. The test dir has images before 'postprocess_char_complex_and_save' method and...
I am using: numpy=1.14.2 scipy=1.0.1 opencv=3.4.0 (If this may help)
Sorry for the late reply. I was busy in finals but now I have few days off. I have performed all the steps in the readme. I think the conversion...
Ok, so I finally made it to workout! Below was the change I made:  The problem seems to occur during Opening and Erosion of image Below are the debug...