Starting from csso 5.0.0 (including the latest 5.0.3), it has similar issue as this example: Original css: .star-rating{content:'\73\73\73\73\73'} .star-rating span::before{content:'\53\53\53\53\53'} After csso minification: .star-rating{content:"**sssss**"}.star-rating span::before{content:"**SSSSS**"} V4.2.0 does not have this...
Hi, lovell, I want to update the sharp package so that it could directly convert pdf to image. Based on your suggestion of re-compiling libvips from source in the page:...
Hi, team, I am trying to use UnCSS to generate mobile version CSS for a page. How could I achieve this? I tried setting the userAgent to "mobile" or "Android"...