
Results 68 comments of urugator

> as the updates will only appear entirely at the end You're correct. I thought there is a difference between `using` and `await using`, but both are disposed at the...

While the global state version was the main motivation for this change, we had other reasons, some conceptual, some technical. I will share parts of our discussion: > (@urugator) Btw...

> @mweststrate at the https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx/issues/3850#issuecomment-2021398319 you've mentioned that it should be enough to call an original Set.prototype method I think the idea was something like `Set.prototype.intersection.call(observaleSetOrJustIterator, otherSet)`, but I suspect...

If the argument is actual Set (instead of just being set-like) and if the operation is commutative (like intersection), it can be optimized by calling the operation on the argument:...

> Should I keep an makeIterable code in the new functions? I mean this one: No, it's supposed to return new `Set`, not an iterator. Also `const dehancedSet = new...

Don't forget to provide tests please. We want to test 2 things: 1. It does what it should. Use native `Map` for `set-like` arguments. Check results of our (observable) method...

Do I follow correctly it actually reports, so it's only about warn vs throw? As a workaround you can patch `console.warn` and use regex to intercept what's needed. I would...

> You already don't consider behavior change switching from throwing to warning to be a major change The change itself wasn't breaking, it only changed the dev experience. Obviously format...