Keita Urashima

Results 5 issues of Keita Urashima

I have prepared to publish d3sparql.js as npm package. It automatically generates Node.js build (`dist/d3sparql.cjs`) and browser build (`dist/d3sparql.js`) from the source code using the ECMAScript module (`src/d3sparql.mjs`). This is...

## Summary Fixed some inaccuracies in the examples. ## Metadata **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature...

Importing from @ember/string without the @ember/string package as a dependency is deprecated.

Octopress でやろうとしてできなくて、仕方がないから HTML で書こうとして嫌になって inline-haml-plugin を作ろうとしたところで retter の存在を思い出しました。