
Results 44 comments of uroboro

If you mean at runtime, it’s coverec by the previous comment. If you mean at compile time this would require some heavy lifting to parse the code, the sdk and...

Consider [BlockTypeDescription](https://github.com/conradev/BlockTypeDescription) for logging blocks on runtime.

An idea that floated around when I originally introduced this feature was to specify the library along with the function name: ```logos %hookf(void, "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Awesome.framework/Awesome:aFunction") { } ```

Additionally, it doesn't support hooking C functions either.

I don't think blocks are supported by `%log`. How would you log one and what would you expect to get as its description? I remember seeing some projects revolving around...

Targets of patch [Method.pm#L220](https://github.com/theos/theos/blob/master/bin/lib/Logos/Method.pm#L220) and [Method.pm#L156](https://github.com/theos/theos/blob/master/bin/lib/Logos/Method.pm#L156).

That's not what "`%log` does not support blocks" means. You can intercept blocks as well as log them, but not with `%log`. For example, if I'm not mistaken: ``` logos...

This is not the proper usage of `%group`. You're not meant to put `%group`s within `%hook`s. Please refer to the [documentation](https://github.com/theos/logos/wiki/Syntax#group) for more information. (Logos structure is such that `%group`...

Can you share the file you provided to logify and the resulting file you got?

Maybe we should actually use a preprocessor to handle comments, as logos works line-by-line and that's just bad. Something like this could be ran before parsing the logos file: ```...