Urmil Parikh

Results 10 issues of Urmil Parikh

The STEP file exported by SolveSpace contains only bounding surface. Please add an option to export solid model.


Please add support for listening to UDP multicast packets. Here is a patch for some old version: https://sourceforge.net/p/netcat/feature-requests/3/

A good idea and a good tool! I tried verifying tbv itself and shasums did not match?? ```bash $ tbv verify tbv ✓ Fetch package data from registry ✓ Version...

If I use block comments in my code, I get interpreter errors saying `nesting of [[..]] is deprecated`. Resultant file on ESP has all lines uncommented, which is wrong. e.g....


**Restify Version**: 11.0.0 **Node.js Version**: 14.15.3 ## Expected behaviour Routing should work irrespective of params length ## Actual behaviour Routing works for params length up to 100, gives ResourceNotFound error...

In Firefox, clicking on a node makes other nodes/paths white instead of dimming them down correctly (as in Chrome)

They do not get un-highlighted correctly when another node/path is selected. ``` digraph { bgcolor="#2e3e56" pad="0.5" node [shape="rectangle", width="0.6", style="rounded, filled", fillcolor="#edad56", color="#edad56", penwidth="2", label=""] edge [color="#fcfcfc", fontcolor="#fcfcfc", penwidth="2", fontname="helvetica...

They do not get un-highlighted correctly when another node/path is selected. ``` digraph { bgcolor="#2e3e56" pad="0.5" node [shape="rectangle", width="0.6", style="rounded, filled", fillcolor="#edad56", color="#edad56", penwidth="2", label=""] edge [color="#fcfcfc", fontcolor="#fcfcfc", penwidth="2", fontname="helvetica...

Notice the home icon after animation start / before animation end: http://plnkr.co/edit/AR1VQJ2KbmrCXXHWDwdC?p=preview


I associated *.md files to be opened with MarkRight, but when I double-click on any .md file, MarkRight starts with a blank document.
