
Results 27 comments of uriva

After some more binary-search debugging, here is a minimal reproduction for the redirect loop. meteor create reproduction meteor add-platform android meteor add angular meteor add netanelgilad:angular-server meteor remove ecmascript meteor...

+1 this is causing a real headache with docker files (jupyter, kubernetes etc').

Hey - did something initial that seems to work: https://github.com/uriva/wptools

I don't see how this is related, asyncio can help you make parallel requests to two websites, or do cpu intensive work while waiting for io.

My scenario is that I have an IO rich code doing many requests to different rest apis. The entire process is highly time sensitive, so the requests must happen in...

+1 for not hijacking alt-d by default, it's pretty handy

Couldn't get the demo to work when one client is listening from a mobile network. Also then started getting websocket error on both the desktop and mobile client.

But if I'm subscribed to a feed, shouldn't I get incoming connections?

Actually now tested the MVC demo and it seems to work.

Still would be good to understand why incoming connections aren't required - I thought that I'm running a full node of ipfs that needs to get requests for files sometimes.