Uri Baghin

Results 17 issues of Uri Baghin

`rules_python`'s `python_register_toolchains` has an `interpreter` target in its toolchains. Repository rules cannot access toolchains like regular rules can, and they use that target to ensure they're using the same interpreter...

good first issue
type: feature request

Picked from the bazel repo: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/b4b0c321910bc968736ef48e8140528ea7d323cd.

Instead of hardcoding `/usr/bin/libtool` which requires Xcode / Xcode CLT installed, which `BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN` is meant to avoid. Related to https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_cc/issues/134.

### Description of the bug: Equivalent to Bazel issue: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/16009 `BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN` on Darwin is meant to disable the Xcode toolchain resolution and use the common Unix toolchain resolution based on...


This new feature in bazel might make `build --output_groups=+mypy` unnecessary: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/rules.html#validation-actions.

Using dyld interposing as documented in: https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/dyld-97.1/include/mach-o/dyld-interposing.h.auto.html Following the example here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/9d452bdebedb1c47adaabd40e61a742f9f07b54c/pkgs/build-support/libredirect/libredirect.c I've unconditionally passed both `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES` and `LD_PRELOAD`, reasoning that whichever runtime linker we're using will ignore the environment...

The list of environment variables that `cached-nix-shell` keeps (https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/xzfc/cached-nix-shell@1955b9d0aaaf90337541ab799d5071eeaac2360c/-/blob/src/main.rs?L172-184) and that `nix-shell` keeps (https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/NixOS/[email protected]/-/blob/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc?L107-110) are not in sync. The environment variables that `cached-nix-shell` keeps in addition are not an issue...

### Description of the feature request: https://bazel.build/concepts/dependencies#using-labels-reference-directories (and its pre-move equivalent https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/build-ref.html#label_directory) still refer to labels pointing to directories with the old syntax like `data = ["testdata/."]`, mentioning them being...

type: feature request

Instead of hardcoding `/usr/bin/libtool` which requires Xcode / Xcode CLT installed, which `BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN` is meant to avoid. Related to https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/16009.


@aherrmann in https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs/issues/209#issuecomment-1092783874 you clarify that two major use cases are supported by `rules_nixpkgs`: 1. Nix provides Bazel and perhaps other development tools AND rules_nixpkgs imports system dependencies from Nix...

type: documentation