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Calibration fails with calib_data.weights

Open FreedomRings opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments

I believe I followed the directions properly and got what looks to be perfect output until the "Non-linear Refinement" step. I also tried "Robust Non-linear Refinement". Both fail identically. The Command window follows:

. Fisheye2_9.jpg click_calib.m ocam_calib_guiUrban.m
.. GOPR001.JPG click_calibUrban.m omni3d2pixel.m
C_calib_data.m GOPR1.jpg click_ima_calib.m omni_find_extrs_parameters.m
FUNrho.m GOPR10.jpg click_ima_calib_rufli.m omni_find_intrs_parameters.m
FindCorners.exe GOPR11.jpg cornerfinder.m optimizefunction.m
FindCornersVisual.exe GOPR2.jpg create_simulation_points.m optimizefunction_all.m
FindCornersVisualSave.exe GOPR3.jpg cv100.dll optimizefunction_old.m
FindCornersVladimir.exe GOPR4.jpg cxcore100.dll optimizeintpar.m
Fisheye1_1.jpg GOPR5.jpg data_calib.m pattern.jpg
Fisheye1_10.jpg GOPR6.jpg draw_axes.m pattern.pdf
Fisheye1_11.jpg GOPR7.jpg errCenterUrban.m pictures.txt
Fisheye1_12.jpg GOPR8.jpg eulerFromR.m planefrompoints.m
Fisheye1_13.jpg GOPR9.jpg exportData2TXT.m prova.m
Fisheye1_14.jpg README.txt export_data.m prova1.m
Fisheye1_15.jpg Step1_perform_test_calibrations.m findcenter.m prova2.m
Fisheye1_2.jpg Step2_compare_results.m findcenterUrban.m prova3.m
Fisheye1_3.jpg VMRImage0.jpg findinvpoly.m prova_all.m
Fisheye1_4.jpg VMRImage1.jpg findinvpolyUrban.m randsample.m
Fisheye1_5.jpg VMRImage2.jpg generate_sim_points.m readras.m
Fisheye1_6.jpg VMRImage3.jpg get_best_checkerboard_images.m recomp_corner_calib.m
Fisheye1_7.jpg VMRImage4.jpg get_checkerboard_corners.m reproject_calib.m
Fisheye1_8.jpg VMRImage5.jpg get_checkerboard_cornersUrban.m reprojectpoints.m
Fisheye1_9.jpg VMRImage6.jpg get_color_from_imagepoints.m reprojectpoints_adv.m
Fisheye2_1.jpg VMRImage7.jpg get_ocam_model.m reprojectpoints_fun.m
Fisheye2_10.jpg VMRImage8.jpg getpoint.m reprojectpoints_fun_adv.m
Fisheye2_11.jpg VMRImage9.jpg ginput3.m reprojectpoints_fun_adv_all.m
Fisheye2_12.jpg add_suppress.m highgui100.dll reprojectpoints_quiet.m
Fisheye2_13.jpg analyse_error.m ima_read_calib.m rodrigues.m
Fisheye2_14.jpg autoCornerFinder imunwrap.m saving_calib.m
Fisheye2_15.jpg bundleAdjustmentUrban.m libguide40.dll set_up_global.m
Fisheye2_16.jpg bundleErrUrban.m loading_calib.m show_calib_results.m
Fisheye2_2.jpg cToMatlab loadpgm.m thumbs1.jpg
Fisheye2_3.jpg calibrate.m loadppm.m thumbs2.jpg
Fisheye2_4.jpg calibration.m mosaic.m thumbs3.jpg
Fisheye2_5.jpg cam2world.m msvcr71.dll undistort.m
Fisheye2_6.jpg check_active_images.m ocam_calib.m world2cam.m
Fisheye2_7.jpg check_directory.m ocam_calibUrban.m world2cam_fast.m
Fisheye2_8.jpg checkerboard_sizes.txt ocam_calib_gui.m

Basename camera calibration images (without number nor suffix): GOPR Image format: ([]='r'='ras', 'b'='bmp', 't'='tif', 'g'='gif', 'p'='pgm', 'j'='jpg', 'm'='ppm') j Loading image 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11... done

Extraction of the grid corners on the images

Type the images you want to process (e.g. [1 2 3], [] = all images) = Number of squares along the X direction ([]=10) = 5 Number of squares along the Y direction ([]=10) = 7 Size dX of each square along the X direction ([]=30mm) = 117 Size dY of each square along the Y direction ([]=30mm) = 117 X coordinate (along height) of the omnidirectional image center = ([]=1440) = Y coordinate (along width) of the omnidirectional image center = ([]=1920) =

EXTRACTION OF THE GRID CORNERS Do you want to use the automatic image selection or do you want to process the images individually ( [] = automatic, other = individual )?

Processing image GOPR1.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR2.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR3.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR4.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR5.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR6.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR7.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR8.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR9.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR10.jpg...Done

Processing image GOPR11.jpg...Done

Corner extraction finished.

Degree of polynomial expansion ([]=4) =

Average reprojection error computed for each chessboard [pixels]:

1.39 ± 0.59 13.40 ± 8.13 1.82 ± 0.71 2.64 ± 2.12 2.21 ± 0.98 2.48 ± 2.17 1.64 ± 0.77 4.43 ± 2.77 2.60 ± 1.08 1.57 ± 1.08 2.72 ± 2.26

Average error [pixels]


Sum of squared errors


ss =

1.0e+03 *

-1.951147270103164 0 0.000000292100312 -0.000000000132530 0.000000000000057

Starting non-linear refinement No public property weights exists for class C_calib_data.

Error in bundleAdjustmentUrban (line 71) calib_data.weights = weights;

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

FreedomRings avatar Mar 30 '17 18:03 FreedomRings