Lucas Rodrigues
Lucas Rodrigues
Tem um aplicativo para android chamado Cursos de Graça, tem um icone verde.. No app vc escolhe as categorias e aparecem varios cursos do Youtube, pelo que eu entendi, a...
Olha, eu não falo em nome da comunidade mas esqueça a do facebook, entre na do telegram que é muito melhor, pessoas tóxicas lá é algo bem raro pois os...
@arborrow This is a problem with the javascript, the js code must to execute after load all the jquery lib. For to solve, just do that. **First, do not change...
Hi @gitkv , thanks for your contribution, i will solve this issue, please, revert the version to 1.4 until the fix. Im testing on lumen 5.6 and it's ok, no...
@gitkv Please, downgrade to version 1.4, for moment, composer require urameshibr/lumen-form-request:1.4
@Shadomax Please, verify your Lumen version. **Lumen 5.5** ```composer require urameshibr/lumen-form-request:1.4``` **Lumen 5.6 +** ```composer require urameshibr/lumen-form-request``` You can reinstall the package following that steps: ``` composer remove urameshibr/lumen-form-request...
@alegargar What the package version are you using? Could you send me the composer.json from main project?