Yury Kozyrev

Results 6 comments of Yury Kozyrev

@nrk Hi there! Any updates about that? It seems tagged versions require ext-phpiredis, but master does not, could we have new tagged stable without required ext-phpiredis?

What the hell is checkpointing? I didn't use DynamoDB for some years, is is new term there? > How to handle missing/duplicated data? However you like, this library only wraps...

True, in the repository it is actually updated https://github.com/harrysolovay/rescripts/blob/master/packages/rescripts/use-eslint-config/package.json#L3 It seems like it just have to be published

@harrysolovay Hey, how do you think, when would it be possible to publish **rescript-use-eslint-config** ? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@drsassafras I think contributors already added some workarounds for it, is it still a case? (if you still use it 😆 )