蔡仲明 (Romulus Urakagi Tsai)
蔡仲明 (Romulus Urakagi Tsai)
Hello, today I try to use this library, but I can't find what to pass in `.commit()` or `.merge()` when I want to change to hash/author/etc. Is the reference document...
- The document says it's possible to use `GridFS`. If it's the recommended way I'll try to rewrite it. - If the server and files itself don't change, there will...
@marc1006 The current code I wrote is using the file system. I don't really know if `wekan` was using GridFS or something else.
@marc1006 That file is almost the collection definition part of the original `models/attachments.js` and will be used for attachment migrating only. The migration runs like this: 1. List the old...
@marc1006 I think it's the best. Flexibility is always good. I don't think the code is already ready for production, it needs more test and in fact, I found a...
Okay, I'll change to GridFS then re-send a PR to `feature-ostrio-files`.
@marc1006 I guess it's a policy choice, it's also reasonable to limit only GridFS storage for a uniformed backup guide. By the way, the Sandstorm version does not have the...
@xet7 Okay, but it seems like a long plan. I'll just separate them by if `process.env.ATTACHMENTS_STORE_PATH` is set at this time.
@xet7 I think simply `if (ATTACHMENTS_STORE_PATH)` will work?
Hmm? But we treat empty string and null and undefined the same here right? (all goto database) Since in Javascript empty string has a false value, I think checking it's...