We ran `uuaw --audit` and it resulted in a clean yarn audit. ``` Attempting to fix advisory: GHSA-c2qf-rxjj-qqgw - semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service Scanning dependency chain:...
We ran `uuaw --audit` and it resulted in a clean yarn audit. ``` Attempting to fix advisory: GHSA-p6mc-m468-83gw - Prototype Pollution in lodash Scanning dependency chain: @octokit/rest --> lodash.set [1/6]...
We ran `uuaw --audit` and it resulted in a clean yarn audit. ``` Attempting to fix advisory: GHSA-wf5p-g6vw-rhxx - Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability Scanning dependency chain: @docusaurus/preset-classic --> @docusaurus/theme-classic...