I am seeing this exception as well while testing with DSpace 7.3. I have ORCID Authority configured for dc.contributor.author but I get no results at all when going to Browse...
Looking at the code and it appears that BrowseByDataType doesn't yet support the "authority" dataType, which is why Browse By Author was showing nothing. Switching back to: webui.browse.index.2 = author:metadata:dc.contributor.*\\,dc.creator:text...
I experienced the "No bean named 'AuthoritySource' available" issue while testing ORCID Authority Control (as part of our upgrade from DSpace 6.3 to DSpace 7.3), and it was this issue...
I also should add that, after reviewing the DSpace 7.3 code, it appears that the ORCID API connection parameters are now required even for simple author lookup with ORCID Authority...
When I check the database metadatavalue table (authority and text_value columns), I can see that different variations of author entry/search are successfully saved, but have encountered a different exception with...
This also resolves the case with compareAndUpdate() that [removes the authority prefix and colon](https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/7cebc65a313066f0a79019b5c8db77bf1d8e2ac4/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/bulkedit/MetadataImport.java#L662-L664) from md and then later calls [!isAuthorityControlled(md)](https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/7cebc65a313066f0a79019b5c8db77bf1d8e2ac4/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/app/bulkedit/MetadataImport.java#L694-L700) that will always then return true causing the authority...
@tdonohue : In our case, the dc.date.issued value is taken from a date input-type field in the submission form, so is stored as YYYY-MM-DD format without any timezone information and...