
Results 21 issues of Dave

The other server has invalid TLS certificate

What I did: 1.) Put `github "garnele007/SwiftOCR" "HEAD"` into `Cartfile` 2.) `carthage update` What happens: ``` *** Building scheme "SwiftOCR Mac" in SwiftOCR.xcodeproj *** Building scheme "SwiftOCR" in SwiftOCR.xcodeproj Build...

Hello everybody, Thanks for the instructions but the Pinentry-Mac program doesn't save the password even when I tick the box. You describe to do something with gpg-agent-info but I don't...

help wanted

Hello, I would really enjoy it if it was possible to hide the menu bar icon! Thanks in advance, Dave

Hello! I am using the latest version of MessageKit, Xcode and iOS. I want to use custom cells that size themselves automatically through autolayout. The cells work perfectly fine already...


Somehow, if I try to use the accessGroup feature, I get an [errSecMissingEntitlement](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/1542001-security_framework_result_codes/errsecmissingentitlement) (-34018) error. I don't have manual profiles, but use "Xcode Managed Profile" for the Provisioning Profile. ("Automatically...

**I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") ``` [x] bug report [ ] new distro request ``` **Bug report** My disk usage is around 190GB, but shows as 11G...


Hello, another issue: This command works as expected: ``` ./hercules.darwin_amd64 --burndown --burndown-people repo-cache | labours -m ownership --start-date 13.11.2019 ``` while in this case, the graph shows info from the...

Hello, I'd love to see a few entries in the Wiki page or in the README as not everything is clear. I got it set up but no idea if...
