UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project copied to clipboard
UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.9 Release
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Hello, i have installed downloaded and installed the latest package from here https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=UTS2_0&lang=en and https://unity-chan.com/download/releaseNote.php?id=ssu_urp&lang=en after installation i tried adding the shader to an existing material and became pink, did...
It does not work in all versions. 
**Describe the bug** A small error in Unity versions >= 202310, that causes materials with the shader to go pink. below is the error spot and the small fix. (OUTPUT_SH...
Unity version. - 2021.3.16f1 LTS - 2021.3.17f1 LTS Shader version. - UTS/Universal 2.5.1 - UTS/Universal 2.5.0 - UTS/Universal 2.4.0 - UTS/Universal 2.3.0 When UnityChanToonShader is installed, or there is a...
- Unity 2022.2.1 - URP 14.0.4 Hello. I'm trying out the URP version of this shader with the new Forward+ rendering path. The shader looks broken, but every now and...
Hi, I love this amazing shader. I've noticed that the results of Baked Normal for Outline seem to vary according to rotations of objects. **To Reproduce** 1. Open the sample...
>Hi, Thanks for the report. But, we have no plans to update legacy Unity-chan toon shader, We'll consider to adopt your susgestion in our new toon shader project, which is...
  **Above is URP. Below is Built-in RP(Legacy) with UTS2** URP version has more noticeable shadow flickering & jagginess **with 'System Shadow' activated**. (Self-Shadowing problem maybe?) I tried changing...
When I try to use this shader in DOTS with hybrid renderer V2 I get the following error. ``` A Hybrid Renderer V2 batch is using the shader "Universal Render...