Hi, Is there any interest in using something like goxjs as a base layer cross-platform gl and glfw library? * https://github.com/goxjs/glfw * https://github.com/goxjs/gl I recently forked someone else's fork of...
Hi I had this same problem and was able to resolve it. Looks like it is caused because there is no new tag after the v9 upgrade was done. When...
Oh Very cool! I had no idea anyone was working on this lol. Let me take a look the next chance I get! Thanks, Unit
Oh wow! Nice work! I'm still kind of going through it. but just from my first pass I do have a few concerns. 1. [Minor] I'd prefer to not have...
Still thinking about this
Oh cool. I had no idea that feature was being introduced. I'll definitely track the development on this. It's obviously a big change, especially if there isn't a library that...
Saw this got closed. I ended up implementing webrtc which exposes UDP sockets in browser. It requires a little bit of weirdness to get it set up. I have a...
All good. Not a problem!