Paris Paraskeva

Results 18 comments of Paris Paraskeva

How does this work? Default params are for the whole instance of altorouter? Not separately for each route map? Being able to set default params for each route map could...

some sort of integration with @AndreasLoew physicsEditor would be awesome. i.e. use physicsEditor to create the shape of a sprite. Save that into a plist file. fire up cocosShop, add...

would be nice to add this to bower and yarn/npm for easier inclusion into projects until then you can include it using napa!

further to autocomplete it would be nice if validators can talk to a backend. e.g imagine tags being products codes and a validator being able to talk to the backend...

@michaelmano think of tags being products codes and products being tens of thousands, does not make sense to give it an array of thousands of valid product codes but make...

@andreasvirkus thanks for the +1 :) P.S I have found that element ui multiselect has this functionality built in if you need this functionality yesterday! Although it uses tags as...

Simply do it yourself by adding a company ID in your roles and permissions tables. It's up to you then to show in the ui just the roles and permissions...

My understanding is that permissions will be already defined in the system and tied to specific code! e.g Add Invoice, Edit Invoice, Delete Invoice. Its your Roles that you need...

I agree! It will be great if uiv releases a fork for bootstrap 4. Yours is a much better aproarch imho compared to bootstrap-vue! I consider it very bad that...

i prefer to use facades myself since its more clear that you are calling a facade and not a function. {{ auth.user.fullname }} is much cleaner and twig like {{...