Unit Mesh - 开源 AI 研发提效解决方案
Unit Mesh - 开源 AI 研发提效解决方案
🧙AutoDev: The AI-powered coding wizard(AI 驱动编程助手) with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Dev...
Opensource AI editor, All you need is editor! Studio B3 is a sophisticated editor designed for content creation, catering to various formats such as blogs, articles, user stories, and more.
ChocoBuilder (Chocolate Factory) is a cutting-edge LLM toolkit designed to empower you in creating your very own AI assistant.Chocolate Factory 是一款开源的 LLM 应用开发框架,旨在帮助您轻松打造强大的...
Unit Runtime 是一个 ChatGPT 等 AI 代码的运行环境,可一键启动并实时交互,帮助您快速构建和测试 AI 代码。Unit Runtime is an efficient and user-friendly AI code execution environment that allows for one-c...
UnitGen 是一个用于生成微调代码的数据框架 —— 直接从你的代码库中生成微调数据:代码补全、测试生成、文档生成等。UnitGen is a code fine-tuning data framework that generates data from your existing codebase...
《AI 研发提效研究:自己动手训练 LoRA》,包含 Llama (Alpaca LoRA)模型、ChatGLM (ChatGLM Tuning)相关 Lora 的训练。训练内容:用户故事生成、测试代码生成、代码辅助生成、文本转 SQL、文本生成代码……
《AI 研发提效:构建 AI 辅助编码助手》 —— 介绍如何 DIY 一个端到端(从 IDE 插件、模型选型、数据集构建到模型微调)的 AI 辅助编程工具,类似于 GitHub Copilot、JetBrains AI Assistant、AutoDev 等。
EdgeInfer enables efficient edge intelligence by running small AI models, including embeddings and OnnxModels, on resource-constrained devices like Android, iOS, or MCUs for real-time decision-making....
AutoDev - 🧙the AI-powered coding wizard . Put the most loved AutoDev AI assistant into your VSCode, and have things done quickly
DevOpsGenius 旨在结合 LLM 重塑软件开发中的 DevOps 实践。将 LLM 视为团队的初级 “打杂工”,为团队提供各类辅助能力,以提高开发流程的效率和质量。