
Results 12 comments of Lex

> So many duplicated topics about it and we still have to implement our version ? Agreed. Clearly a common use case and should be implemented as a native solution.

i think i'm having the same issue as well. my components have the following shape: ```typescript import system from '@packages/ui/config/styled-system.config' import ButtonVariant from '@packages/ui/enums/button-variant.enum' import { animated as a }...

@Igorbek i did some more digging and it turns out storybook is relevant! the native babel configuration was overriding my typescript config in such a way that i have to...

> To use this, node --experimental-loader loader.mjs ... though this does (currently) result in ugly warning messages. @tadman it silences all warnings, but i've been using `NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1`

i don't think vite is supported just yet - it doesn't have a [framework][1]. storybook 7 also includes several breaking changes that are not supported by `@storybook/builder-vite` (as of `v0.2.0-beta.2`)....

for anyone who doesn't actually use the `css` prop, this worked for me: `packages/ui/typings/cssprop.d.ts`: ```typescript /** @see https://github.com/pmndrs/react-spring/issues/1515 */ declare global { namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicAttributes { css?: never...

@styfle do you know if #8542 is intended to fix this issue only if vite is used directly or if there are additional options i should pass to the vercel...

experiencing this behavior with `exit` and `exit-active` classes as well.

i care about property order for a couple of reasons: 1. **readability**: in nestjs projects, i use a `PaginatedDTO` class. if i have an api endpoint that sends paginated responses,...

not sure if you're using typescript, but i had a similar issue in that none of my documentation changes were reflected, regardless of story file type. in my case, the...