Sir John
Sir John
There are 2 occurences: 0490, line 14 (Bwundai: Bwundai my name is) 0492, line 62 (Myauri: But Baiyanda's mate Bwundai may know where it is.) plus: the codex forwards from...
If you would take it upon yourself to look up the hex-adresses for all keys you have defined, I could try to come up with some sort of configuration script...
"b" for "toggle background" or "d" for "toggle darkening" would be suiting, especially since you would have all three "toggle" switches (audio, combat, mouse hand) on top (ish) of the...
If you are right and existing asvegames keep working, your solution sounds like the better and "cleaner" option. Thanks for considering it in the first place :-)
If that is not too much to ask and you are willing to put in all this effort: sounds good, yes :-) I'll happily volunteer to maintain the German localizations
Don't know if that changes anything, but for the sake of joint understanding: U7.exe as in the original game is not part of any fan translation as it features no...
I do not expect anything - on the contrary I'm grateful (big time), that you re-considered and may find time to investigate whether this "externalising strings" might be feasible. I,...
just for clarification as the video is somewhat lengthy. Is it the leverat 9:20 you are on about as an example?
I can do the German translation as well. As speedball already raised the hand, put me down as a backup :-)
I'm no good with forks and stuff so here goes :-) de_DE ``` "__WET_GROUP__INFO": { "message": "Add-on information" }, "addonDescription": { "description": "Description of the add-on, as it appears in...